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Jerry Friedman

Poetry and stuff

I live in Española, New Mexico, and teach physics at Santa Fe Community College.  Here's the page about me at SFCC.  The picture at that page should probably be updated.


My full name is Gerald Friedman, and that's what I've mostly used for poetry and physics.


You can reach me at






If the title is linked, it goes to a page here, and the poem may have been slightly revised since print publication.  If the publication is linked, the link goes to the poem or poems at the publication.


Yes, I took about 20 years off from submitting poetry to magazines.


You can hear me reading some of my poems on this episode of the wonderful Eat the Storms podcast.


Translations of 14 poems from Antonio Machado's Proverbios y Cantares (1917).

Ezra, Spring 2024


One haiku (page 24)

One haiga (page 88)

Cattails, October 2023


"My Window: Los Alamos, New Mexico"


W-Poesis, October 2023

Unfortunately, some security software won't let you go to this site. Also, the format of "Diptych" didn't come out right at the journal. The titles above link directly to the poems here.


"Feelin' Nearly Stonewashed as My Jeans"

The Daughter's Grimoire, Edition 3: The Psychedelic Issue


"Green Grass Growing"

Rat's Ass Review, Fall-Winter 2023


One tanka

Cold Moon Journal, February 3, 2023


"Night by the Convenience Store"

One Sentence Poems, January 6, 2023



Blue Unicorn, Fall 2022


"When I Talked With the Learn'd Astronomer"

Abandoned MineNovember 2022


One haiku (p. 13)

"Santa Fe Hike" (p. 156)

Cattails, October 2022


One haiku

Under the Basho, October 19, 2022


Two haiga (combinations of haiku and photographs)

contemporary haibun online 18,2 haiga gallery (images 3 and 4)


"Origin Myth"

"The Poets' Duel"


"The Earthworm's Song"

Medusa's Kitchen, July 23, 2022


"A Constitutional Among Pinyons and Junipers"

Vita Brevis, June 6, 2022


One haiku

Miriam's Well (Miriam Sagan's blog), May 2, 2002


"Delaware Bay Reunion"

Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Issue #8, 2022



"The Wish" (nominated for a Pushcart prize)

Rat's Ass Review, Spring-Summer 2022


"A Race of the Red-tailed Hawk"

As It Ought to Be Magazine, December 2021


Four haiku

Better Than StarbucksNovember 2021


"I've Heard That Too Often"

Better Than Starbucks, August 2021


"Conceited Madrigal"

"The Crowd"

"Falling Silent"

Bindweed Magazine, 2021.  (You'll probably have to scroll down.)


"Discobolus" (microfiction)

The Ekphrastic Review, June 15, 2021


"River Snow" (translation from Liu Zongyuan--the one on the left is better)

Ming Aretê, uploaded June, 2021


"Isolating Myself"

"The Bluebird's Warning"

Rat's Ass Review, Summer 2021


"Isolating Myself" with footnotes


Three haiga

Daily Haiga, 2021



Undertow Poetry Review / La Resaca, 2021


"Woods Outside Cleveland, Ohio"

Bluepepper Review, May 9, 2021
I was confused about Native peoples when I wrote this one.  The Assistaeronon lived near the western end of Lake Erie.  The people who lived near what is now Cleveland until about 1640 are known only from archeology; their artifacts are called the Whittlesey tradition after the first archeologist to find them.  For now change "the Assistaeronon, the Fire Nation" to "the 'Whittlesey' people".


Haiku about fireflies

Asahi Haikuist Network, May 7, June 18, and September 3, 2021


"Dear Editor" (might not exactly be poetry)

The Daily Drunk, May 2, 2021


"Stood Up"

​Sledgehammer, April 6, 2021


"Next to Godliness"


​Bombfire, January 16, 2021


"The Managed Wild Garden in New Mexico"

"Spring Assurance"

​Rat's Ass Review, Winter 2020



​Entropy, October 27, 2020.


"My Window (Champaign, Illinois)"

​Panoply, Autumn 2020


"Summer Solstice", "Nocturne", and "Tommy Again"

Quatrain.Fish, 2020



​Rat's Ass Review, Summer 2020


"To Be Read Aloud"

"The Veil of Mana"

​Santa Fe Literary Review, 2016



​Tower, Winter 1996-97


"My Window: A Road on the Olympic Peninsula"

Rhino, 1996



​Potpourri, Vol. 8, No. 2  1996


​"Self-Portrait With Frame"


​El Fogón, Spring 1995


"What's the Date?"

​Jemez Thunder, 1995

​Other stuff on line


​​A timeline of Vladimir Nabokov's novel Pale Fire


A number of explanatory notes on Dorothy L. Sayers's novel Gaudy Night


Chapters 1 and 2 of University Physics, Volume 2, a free on-line textbook from OpenStax.  I was the lead author for those chapters, which incorporate material from books by Samuel J. Ling, William Moebs, Jeff Sanny, and Peter Urone.


Four Tolkien fanfics, serious to comic, not "slash" (sexual).


You can see my photographs, mostly of nature, at my Flickr site, as well as accompanying other people's poems at Feral, Issue 15 and Issue 18.  Here are two samples from Flickr:


Cedar Waxwing


Me trying to take a picture of a low-flying dragonfly

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